Hi guys, today I'll have some overview of Java programming language
to answer some questions: history of Java, Java-specific strengths, why
should we programming Java, JVM - Java Virtual Machine,...
course, when you go for job interviews, no one ask you when Java was
born, bla...bla... Or some questions like that. But you need to know a
little bit about history, some basic concepts to introduce, to discuss
with friends who don't know about it. So, you need to know:- Java programming language created and developed by Sun Microsystem.
- Java built based on C and C++ programming languages.
- Java is object oriented programming (OOP) and itself is platform-independent.
- JDK Beta: 1994
- JDK 1.0: 1996
- JDK 1.1: 1997
- J2SE 1.2: 1998
- J2SE 1.3: 2000
- J2SE 1.4: 2002
- J2SE 5.0: 2005
- Java SE 6: 2006
- Java SE 7: 2011
- Java SE 8: 2014
- Java SE 9: 2017
- Java SE 10 (18.3): 2018
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Platform-Independent
- Strong
- Safe
- Dispersed
- Multi-Threaded
- Movable
- Neutral architecture
- Transferable
- High performance
at the picture above which I screen shoot on Stack Overflow about
Developer Survey Results 2017, you can see Java is always one of the
most popular technologies on the global survey. Besides it, Java can
- "write once, run anywhere" (WORA)
- Giant Java support community
- The recruitment demand is very high
- Programming language for Android is well known
JVM - Java Virtual Machine
Because Java is a neutral architecture (write once, run anywhere), they created JVM (Java Virtual Machine).When install JDK, we have this virtual machine. So, what is the purpose of the JVM?
- Load .class file
- Manage memory
- Collect garbage
Finally, Java has a very high demand for recruitment. You also have many directions to develop such as: you can programming web with java, programming mobile with java and programming desktop application with java, or you can also programming large enterprise applications with java. Java is truly awesome programming language. So, why should we learn programming with Java right now?
Have fun :")
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